Thursday, August 16, 2007


I have received several different versions of this same story during the past few months.

I just received a new one yesterday from a friend in Taiwan. The interesting thing is that Pauline mentioned this same story in our monthly meeting this evening, and now, so fast, Walt sent us the exact same one I received yesterday.

When I viewed this version of Hearing Tibet yesterday, I felt that this is the best version so far I have received and I was considering to forward it to all my close friends because it is so touching and inspiriting. (I seldom forward anything to others unless it is extremely good and real special; Most of my stuff sent to others are created by myself.)

I strongly recommend that everyone should watch this file with all his or her heart. This is a real good one!

Here it is:

Saturday, August 11, 2007



開車遇到滂沱大雨時,就算雨刷刷到最快速,也難看清前方視線。遇到這種情況時,不妨戴上墨鏡。突然間,原本如豆大般狂洩而下的傾盆大雨,好像變不見了。眼中看到的,只剩下前方的車輛,既清楚又不必擔心視線不清。 即使是晚上開車也都沒問題。
